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Version date: 9 April 2024 - onwards

Line items to be presented in the statement of financial position (paragraphs 103-106 and B109-B111) (paras. BC313-BC315)

BC313 As it did with the list of line items to be presented in the statement of profit or loss, the IASB decided not to revisit the list of line items that IAS 1 required an entity to present in its statement of financial position, beyond clarifying how those requirements work in the context of the role of the primary financial statements (see paragraphs BC236-BC239).

BC314 However, the IASB decided to add to the list of line items a requirement to present goodwill separately from intangible assets. Goodwill is an unidentifiable asset and is measured only as a residual. It cannot be measured directly. Therefore, the IASB considers that the characteristics of goodwill are sufficiently dissimilar from those of intangible assets to warrant separate presentation.