Definition of IFRS Accounting Standards (BC424-BC425)
BC424 Following the establishment of the International Sustainability Standards Board, IFRS Standards are defined in the IFRS Foundation Constitution as both IFRS Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. Appendix A of IFRS 18 includes a definition of 'IFRS Accounting Standards'. This definition replaces the definition of 'International Financial Reporting Standards' included in IAS 1, which were previously known as IFRS, IFRSs and IFRS Standards.
BC425 Consequential amendments were made to IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, IAS 8 and IAS 34 to refer to paragraphs of IFRS Accounting Standards that discuss an entity's statement of compliance with IFRS Accounting Standards. However, in all other cases where IFRS Accounting Standards refer to IFRS, IFRSs or IFRS Standards these references were left unchanged.