1. The Authority shall fulfil a general coordination role between competent authorities, in particular in situations where adverse developments could potentially jeopardise the orderly functioning and integrity of financial markets or the stability of the financial system in the Union.
2. The Authority shall promote a coordinated Union response, inter alia, by:
(a) facilitating the exchange of information between the competent authorities;
(b) determining the scope and verifying where appropriate the reliability of information that should be made available to all the competent authorities concerned;
(c) without prejudice to Article 19, carrying out non-binding mediation upon a request from the competent authorities or on its own initiative;
(d) notifying the ESRB, the Council and the Commission of any potential emergency situations without delay;
(e) taking appropriate measures in the event of developments which may jeopardise the functioning of the financial markets with a view to the