Article 47 Tasks
1. The Management Board shall ensure that the Authority carries out its mission and performs the tasks assigned to it in accordance with this Regulation.
2. The Management Board shall propose, for adoption by the Board of Supervisors, an annual and multi-annual work programme.
3. The Management Board shall exercise its budgetary powers in accordance with Articles 63 and 64.
3a. The Management Board may examine, give an opinion on, and make proposals on all matters, except for tasks laid down in Articles 9a, 9b, 30 as well as Articles 17 and 19 on matters concerning the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and of terrorist financing.
4. The Management Board shall adopt the Authority's staff policy plan and, pursuant to Article 68(2), the necessary implementing measures of the Staff Regulations.
5. The Management Board shall adopt the special provisions on right of access to the documents of the Authority, in accordance with Article 72.
6. The Management Board shall propose an annual report on the activities of the Authority, including on the Chairperson's duties, to the Board of Supervisors for approval.