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Chapter 4 Removal, resignation, etc of auditors (ss. 510-526)

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Removal of auditor (ss. 510-513)
In force
510. Resolution removing auditor from office
In force
511. Special notice required for resolution removing auditor from office
In force
511A. Public interest companies: application to court to remove auditor from office
512. Notice to registrar of resolution removing auditor from office
In force
513. Rights of auditor who has been removed from office
Failure to re-appoint auditor (ss. 514-515)
In force
514. Failure to re-appoint auditor: special procedure required for written resolution
In force
515. Failure to re-appoint auditor: special notice required for resolution at general meeting
Resignation of auditor (ss. 516-518)
In force
516. Resignation of auditor
517. Notice to registrar of resignation of auditor
In force
518. Rights of resigning auditor
Statement by auditor on ceasing to hold office (ss. 519-525)
In force
519. Statement by auditor to be sent to company
In force
519A. Meaning of "public interest company", "non-public interest company" and "exempt reasons"
In force
520. Company's duties in relation to statement
In force
521. Copy of statement to be sent to registrar
In force
522. Duty of auditor to send statement to appropriate audit authority
In force
523. Duty of company to notify appropriate audit authority
In force
524. Provision of information to accounting authorities
In force
525. Meaning of "appropriate audit authority"
Supplementary (s. 526)
In force
526. Effect of casual vacancies