20. Displaying of financial statements by holders of licences.
(1) A holder of a licence or authorisation under section 9A-
(a) shall display and at all times keep displayed in a conspicuous place in every office, branch or other place in which he carries on banking business and also, if the holder is a limited company incorporated in the State, in the registered office of the company, a statement (in the form required by this section) in relation to the banking business carried on by him, and
(b) shall furnish on demand to each of his creditors and, if the holder is a limited company incorporated in or outside the State, to each member of the company, a copy of the latest such statement.
(2) The statement required by this section to be displayed by a holder of a licence or authorisation under section 9A shall, in the case of an Associated Bank, be in the form of a copy of its latest balance sheet and, in every other case, be in such form as may be prescribed by the Bank.