31C. Application for authorisation (Class 1 firms)
(1) An application for a Class 1 authorisation shall be in such form and contain such particulars as the Bank may from time to time determine.
(2) Subject to sections 31I, 31J and 31K, the Bank shall -
(a) where it is satisfied that the conditions referred to in sections 31D to 31G have been complied with, take a draft decision to propose to the ECB to grant to the applicant an authorisation to carry on Class 1 business, or
(b) where it is not so satisfied, reject the application.
(3) The grant of a Class 1 authorisation to a person shall not constitute a warranty as to the solvency of the person to whom it is granted and the Bank shall not be liable in respect of any losses incurred through the insolvency or default of a person to whom a Class 1 authorisation is granted.