Annex X Part 1 Basic Indicator Approach
1. Under the Basic Indicator Approach, the capital requirement for operational risk is equal to 15 % of the relevant indicator defined in points 2 to 9.
2. The relevant indicator is the average over three years of the sum of net interest income and net non-interest income.
3. The three-year average is calculated on the basis of the last three twelve-monthly observations at the end of the financial year. When audited figures are not available, business estimates may be used.
4. If for any given observation, the sum of net interest income and net non-interest income is negative or equal to zero, this figure shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the three-year average. The relevant indicator shall be calculated as the sum of positive figures divided by the number of positive figures.
2.1. Credit institutions subject to Directive 86/635/EEC
5. Based on the accounting categories for the profit and loss account of credit institutions under Article 27 of Directive 86/635/EEC, the relevant indicator shall be expressed as the sum of the elements listed in Table 1. Each element shall be included in the sum with its positive or negative sign.