Annex XII Part 3 Qualifying requirements for the use of particular instruments or methodologies
1. The credit institutions calculating the risk-weighted exposure amounts in accordance with Articles 84 to 89 shall disclose the following information:
(a) the competent authority's acceptance of approach or approved transition;
(b) an explanation and review of:
(i) the structure of internal rating systems and relation between internal and external ratings;
(ii) the use of internal estimates other than for calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts in accordance with Articles 84 to 89;
(iii) the process for managing and recognising credit risk mitigation; and
(iv) the control mechanisms for rating systems including a description of independence, accountability, and rating systems review;
(c) a description of the internal ratings process, provided separately for the following exposure classes:
(i) central governments and central banks;
(iii) corporate, including SMEs, specialised lending and purchased corporate receivables;