16. Substitution of section 21 of the Principal Act.
The Principal Act is amended by substituting the following section for section 21:
"21. Removal of Governor from office.
(1) The President may, on the advice of the Government, remove the Governor from office on the ground that the Governor has, because of ill-health, become permanently incapacitated from carrying out the responsibilities of Governor.
(2) The President may, on the advice of the Government, remove the Governor from office if the other members of the Board have passed a unanimous resolution requesting the President to remove the Governor from office on one or more specified grounds of serious misconduct.
(3) A decision of the President removing a Governor from office under this section takes immediate effect from the date on which the decision is notified to the Governor or the date on which the decision is first published, whichever date first occurs.
(4) A decision of the President removing a Governor from office under this section can be referred to the European Court of Justice in such manner and on grounds consistent with Article 14.2 of the ESCB Statute.".