Article 6 Excluded activities: general exceptions
(1) A ring-fenced body does not carry on an excluded activity by entering into a transaction with another person (including a structured finance vehicle) if the sole or main purpose for which the ring-fenced body entered into the transaction, either by itself or in combination with other transactions, is that oimiting the extent to which -
(a) the ring-fenced body,
(b) any subsidiary undertaking of the ring-fenced body,
(ba) another ring-fenced body within the same group as the ring-fenced body,
(bb) a related undertaking within the same group as the ring-fenced body,
(c) any sponsored structured finance vehicle of the ring-fenced body,
(d) any conduit vehicle of the ring-fenced body, or
(e) any combination of the undertakings referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (ba), (bb), (c) and (d),
will be adversely affected by any of the factors specified in paragraph (2).
(2) The factors specified in this paragraph are -
(a) changes in interest rates, exchange rates or commodity prices;