Table of Contents
Document Overview
Article 19 Fees chargeable for documents and information
1. The fees charged for obtaining documents and information referred to in Article 14 through the system of interconnection of registers shall not exceed the administrative costs thereof, including the costs of development and maintenance of registers.
2. Member States shall ensure that at least the following information and documents are available free of charge through the system of interconnection of registers:
(a) the name or names and legal form of the company;
(b) the registered office of the company and the Member State where it is registered;
(c) the registration number of the company and its EUID;
(d) details of the company website, where such details are recorded in the national register;
(e) the status of the company, such as when it is closed, struck off the register, wound up, dissolved, economically active or inactive as defined in national law and where recorded in the national registers;
(f) the object of the company, where it is recorded in the national register;