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Article 160e Report of the administrative or management body for members and employees
1. The administrative or management body of the company being divided shall draw up a report for members and employees, explaining and justifying the legal and economic aspects of the cross-border division, as well as explaining the implications of the cross-border division for employees.
It shall, in particular, explain the implications of the cross-border division for the future business of the companies.
2. The report shall also include a section for members and a section for employees.
The company may decide either to draw up one report containing those two sections or to draw up separate reports for members and employees, respectively, containing the relevant section.
3. The section of the report for members shall, in particular, explain the following:
(a) the cash compensation and the method used to determine the cash compensation;
(b) the share exchange ratio and the method or methods used to arrive at the share exchange ratio, where applicable;
(c) the implications of the cross-border division for members;
(d) the rights and remedies available to members in accordance with Article 160i.