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Article 51 Consideration other than in cash without an experts' report
1. Where consideration other than in cash as referred to in Article 50 is provided without an experts' report as referred to in Article 49(1), (2) and (3), in addition to the requirements set out in point (h) of Article 4 and within one month of the effective date of the asset contribution, a declaration containing the following shall be published:
(a) a description of the consideration other than in cash at issue;
(b) its value, the source of this valuation and, where appropriate, the method of valuation;
(c) a statement whether the value arrived at corresponds at least to the number, to the nominal value or, where there is no nominal value, the accountable par and, where appropriate, to the premium on the shares to be issued for such consideration; and
(d) a statement that no new qualifying circumstances with regard to the original valuation have occurred.
The publication of the declaration shall be effected in the manner laid down by the laws of each Member State in accordance with Article 16.