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Article 160l Employee participation
1. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, each recipient company shall be subject to the rules in force concerning employee participation, if any, in the Member State where it has its registered office.
2. However, the rules in force concerning employee participation, if any, in the Member State where the company resulting from the cross-border division has its registered office shall not apply where the company being divided has, in the six months prior to the disclosure of the draft terms of the cross-border division, an average number of employees equivalent to four fifths of the applicable threshold, as laid down in the law of the Member State of the company being divided, for triggering the participation of employees within the meaning of point (k) of Article 2 of Directive 2001/86/EC, or where the national law applicable to each of the recipient companies does not:
(a) provide for at least the same level of employee participation as operated in the company being divided prior to its cross-border division, measured by reference to the proportion of employee representatives among the members of the administrative or supervisory body or their committees or of the management group which covers the profit units of the company, subject to employee representation; or