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Part V Industrial Assurance Business (ss. 48-76)

Comparing proposed amendment...
In force
48. Definitions in this Part.
In force
49. Application of this Part of this Act in certain cases.
In force
50. Additional purposes for which industrial assurance policies may be issued.
In force
51. Assurances on lives of children under the age of ten years.
In force
52. Validation of certain policies.
In force
53. Prohibition of issue of illegal policies.
In force
54. Application of Act of 1909 to industrial assurance.
In force
55. Industrial assurance valuations.
In force
56. Rejection of valuation by Minister.
In force
57. Requisition of additional particulars by the Minister.
In force
58. Time for making first industrial assurance valuation.
In force
59. Time for deposit of valuation by certain companies.
In force
60. General meetings of industrial assurance companies.
In force
61. Contents of proposals for industrial assurance policies.
In force
62. Contents of industrial assurance policies.
In force
63. Industrial assurance proposals and policies.
In force
64. Admission of age of life assured.
In force
65. Return of policies, etc., after inspection.
In force
66. Forfeiture for non-payment of premium.
In force
67. Rights of holder of policy forfeited for non-payment of premium.
In force
68. Assured persons transferring from one company to another company.
In force
69. Payment of claims.
In force
70. Value of industrial assurance policies.
In force
71. Saving for certain policies issued before 3rd December, 1909.
In force
72. Decision of disputes between industrial assurance companies and others.
In force
73. Disputes as to continuance of assured life.
In force
74. Certain restrictions in relation to collectors.
In force
75. Restriction on employment of persons to procure new business.
In force
76. Service or notices.