14. Imposition of conditions or requirements on authorised investment business firms.
(1) The supervisory authority may, in respect of an authorised investment business firm, including an investment business firm which is deemed to be authorised under section 26 of this Act, do all or any of the following, namely:
(a) make its authorisation subject to such conditions or requirements, or both, as it considers fit, relating to the proper and orderly regulation and supervision of an authorised investment business firm,
(b) impose conditions or requirements or both which relate to matters in an associated undertaking or a related undertaking,
(c) at any time impose conditions or requirements or both on an authorised investment business firm and either amend or revoke any condition or requirement imposed under this paragraph or under paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection:
Provided the said conditions or requirements do not contravene any guidelines in that behalf which may be issued by the Minister to the supervisory authority from time to time in the interests of the proper and orderly regulation of investment business firms or the protection of investors or both and that the guidelines are published in the Iris Oifigiúil.