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Published date: 19 June 2024

Regulation (EU) 2024/1624 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (Text with EEA relevance) (AML Regulation (AMLR))

Comparing proposed amendment...
Chapter I General provisions (arts. 1-8)
Section 1 Subject matter and definitions (arts. 1-2)
Entered into force
Article 1 Subject matter
Entered into force
Article 2 Definitions
Section 2 Scope (arts. 3-7)
Entered into force
Article 3 Obliged entities
Entered into force
Article 4 Exemptions for certain providers of gambling services
Entered into force
Article 5 Exemptions for certain professional football clubs
Entered into force
Article 6 Exemptions for certain financial activities
Entered into force
Article 7 Prior notification of exemptions
Section 3 Cross-border operations (art. 8)
Entered into force
Article 8 Notification of cross-border operations and application of national law
Chapter II Internal policies, procedures and controls of obliged entities (arts. 9-18)
Section 1 Internal policies, procedures and controls, risk assessment and staff (arts. 9-15)
Entered into force
Article 9 Scope of internal policies, procedures and controls
Entered into force
Article 10 Business-wide risk assessment
Entered into force
Article 11 Compliance functions
Entered into force
Article 12 Awareness of requirements
Entered into force
Article 13 Integrity of employees
Entered into force
Article 14 Reporting of breaches and protection of reporting persons
Entered into force
Article 15 Situation of specific employees
Section 2 Provisions applying to groups (arts. 16-17)
Entered into force
Article 16 Group-wide requirements
Entered into force
Article 17 Branches and subsidiaries in third countries
Section 3 Outsourcing (art. 18)
Entered into force
Article 18 Outsourcing
Chapter III Customer Due Diligence (arts. 19-50)
Section 1 General provisions (arts. 19-28)
Entered into force
Article 19 Application of customer due diligence measures
Entered into force
Article 20 Customer due diligence measures
Entered into force
Article 21 Inability to comply with the requirement to apply customer due diligence measures
Entered into force
Article 22 Identification and verification of the identity of customers and beneficial owners
Entered into force
Article 23 Timing of the verification of the customer and beneficial owner identity
Entered into force
Article 24 Reporting of discrepancies with information contained in beneficial ownership registers
Entered into force
Article 25 Identification of the purpose and intended nature of a business relationship or occasional transaction
Entered into force
Article 26 Ongoing monitoring of the business relationship and monitoring of transactions performed by customers
Entered into force
Article 27 Temporary measures for customers subject to UN financial sanctions
Entered into force
Article 28 Regulatory technical standards on the information necessary for the performance of customer due diligence
Section 2 Third-country policy and money laundering and terrorist financing threats from outside the Union (arts. 29-32)
Entered into force
Article 29 Identification of third countries with significant strategic deficiencies in their national AML/CFT regimes
Entered into force
Article 30 Identification of third countries with compliance weaknesses in their national AML/CFT regimes
Entered into force
Article 31 Identification of third countries posing a specific and serious threat to the Union's financial system
Entered into force
Article 32 Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risks, trends and methods
Section 3 Simplified due diligence (art. 33)
Entered into force
Article 33 Simplified due diligence measures
Section 4 Enhanced due diligence (arts. 34-46)
Entered into force
Article 34 Scope of application of enhanced due diligence measures
Entered into force
Article 35 Countermeasures to mitigate money laundering and terrorist financing threats from outside the Union
Entered into force
Article 36 Specific enhanced due diligence measures for cross-border correspondent relationships
Entered into force
Article 37 Specific enhanced due diligence measures for cross-border correspondent relationships for crypto-asset service providers
Entered into force
Article 38 Specific measures for individual third-country respondent institutions
Entered into force
Article 39 Prohibition of correspondent relationships with shell institutions
Entered into force
Article 40 Measures to mitigate risks in relation to transactions with a self-hosted address
Entered into force
Article 41 Specific provisions regarding applicants for residence by investment schemes
Entered into force
Article 42 Specific provisions regarding politically exposed persons
Entered into force
Article 43 List of prominent public functions
Entered into force
Article 44 Politically exposed persons who are beneficiaries of insurance policies
Entered into force
Article 45 Measures for persons who cease to be politically exposed persons
Entered into force
Article 46 Family members and persons known to be close associates of politically exposed persons
Section 5 Specific customer due diligence provisions (art. 47)
Entered into force
Article 47 Specifications for the life and other investment-related insurance sector
Section 6 Reliance on customer due diligence performed by other obliged entities (arts. 48-50)
Entered into force
Article 48 General provisions relating to reliance on other obliged entities
Entered into force
Article 49 Process of reliance on another obliged entity
Entered into force
Article 50 Guidelines on reliance on other obliged entities
Chapter IV Beneficial ownership transparency (arts. 51-68)
Entered into force
Article 51 Identification of beneficial owners for legal entities
Entered into force
Article 52 Beneficial ownership through ownership interest
Entered into force
Article 53 Beneficial ownership through control
Entered into force
Article 54 Coexistence of ownership interest and control in the ownership structure
Entered into force
Article 55 Ownership structures involving legal arrangements or similar legal entities
Entered into force
Article 56 Notifications
Entered into force
Article 57 Identification of beneficial owners for legal entities similar to express trust
Entered into force
Article 58 Identification of beneficial owners for express trusts and similar legal arrangements
Entered into force
Article 59 Identification of a class of beneficiaries
Entered into force
Article 60 Identification of objects of a power and default takers in discretionary trusts
Entered into force
Article 61 Identification of beneficial owners of collective investment undertakings
Entered into force
Article 62 Beneficial ownership information
Entered into force
Article 63 Obligations of legal entities
Entered into force
Article 64 Trustee obligations
Entered into force
Article 65 Exceptions to obligations of legal entities and legal arrangements
Entered into force
Article 66 Nominee obligations
Entered into force
Article 67 Foreign legal entities and foreign legal arrangements
Entered into force
Article 68 Penalties
Chapter V Reporting Obligations (arts. 69-74)
Entered into force
Article 69 Reporting of suspicions
Entered into force
Article 70 Specific provisions for reporting of suspicions by certain categories of obliged entities
Entered into force
Article 71 Refraining from carrying out transactions
Entered into force
Article 72 Disclosure to FIU
Entered into force
Article 73 Prohibition of disclosure
Entered into force
Article 74 Threshold-based reports of transactions in certain high-value goods
Chapter VI Information sharing (art. 75)
Entered into force
Article 75 Exchange of information in the framework of partnerships for information sharing
Chapter VII Data Protection and Record Retention (arts. 76-78)
Entered into force
Article 76 Processing of personal data
Entered into force
Article 77 Record retention
Entered into force
Article 78 Provision of records to competent authorities
Chapter VIII Measures to mitigate Risks deriving from anonymous Instruments (arts. 79-80)
Entered into force
Article 79 Anonymous accounts and bearer shares and bearer share warrants
Entered into force
Article 80 Limits to large cash payments in exchange for goods or services
Chapter IX final Provisions (arts. 81-90)
Section 1 Cooperation between FIUs and the EPPO (arts. 81-82)
Entered into force
Article 81 Cooperation between FIUs and the EPPO
Entered into force
Article 82 Requests for information to the EPPO
Section 2 Cooperation between FIUs and OLAF (arts. 83-84)
Entered into force
Article 83 Cooperation between FIUs and OLAF
Entered into force
Article 84 Requests for information to OLAF
Section 3 Other provisions (arts. 85-90)
Entered into force
Article 85 Exercise of the delegation
Entered into force
Article 86 Committee procedure
Entered into force
Article 87 Review
Entered into force
Article 88 Reports
Entered into force
Article 89 Relation to Directive (EU) 2015/849
Entered into force
Article 90 Entry into force and application
Entered into force
Annex I Indicative list of risk variables
Entered into force
Annex II Lower risk factors
Entered into force
Annex III Higher risk factors
Entered into force
Annex IV
Entered into force
Annex V
Entered into force
Annex VI Correlation table
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