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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 9 July 2024 - 9 July 2027
  Version 2 of 3  

Article 21 Inability to comply with the requirement to apply customer due diligence measures

1. Where an obliged entity is unable to comply with the requirement to apply customer due diligence measures laid down in Article 20(1), it shall refrain from carrying out a transaction or establishing a business relationship, and shall terminate the business relationship and consider reporting a suspicious transaction to the FIU in relation to the customer in accordance with Article 69.

The termination of a business relationship pursuant to the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall not prohibit the receipt of funds as defined in Article 4, point (25), of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 due to the obliged entity.

Where an obliged entity has a duty to protect its customer's assets, the termination of the business relationship shall not be understood as requiring the disposal of the assets of the customer.

In the case of life insurance contracts, obliged entities shall, where necessary as an alternative measure to terminating the business relationship, refrain from performing transactions

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