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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 9 July 2024 - 9 July 2027
  Version 2 of 3  

Article 79 Anonymous accounts and bearer shares and bearer share warrants

1. Credit institutions, financial institutions and crypto-asset service providers shall be prohibited from keeping anonymous bank and payment accounts, anonymous passbooks, anonymous safe-deposit boxes or anonymous crypto-asset accounts as well as any account otherwise allowing for the anonymisation of the customer account holder or the anonymisation or increased obfuscation of transactions, including through anonymity-enhancing coins.

Owners and beneficiaries of existing anonymous bank or payment accounts, anonymous passbooks, anonymous safe-deposit boxes held by credit institutions or financial institutions, or crypto-asset accounts shall be subject to customer due diligence measures before those accounts, passbooks, or deposit boxes are used in any way.

2. Credit institutions and financial institutions acting as acquirers within the meaning of Article 2, point (1), of Regulation (EU) 2015/751 of the European Parliament and of the Council [Regulation (EU) 2015/751 of the European Par

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