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Page Overview
Document Overview
791. Information, books or documents may be disclosed for certain purposes
Any information, book or document relating to a company (the "company") that has been obtained under any of sections 778 to 780, 783 or 787 may be published or disclosed without the consent of the company if, in the opinion of the Authority, publication or disclosure is required -
(a) with a view to the investigation or prosecution of any offence under -
(i) this Act;
(ii) the Central Bank Acts 1942 to 2010;
(iii) the Exchange Control Acts 1954 to 1990;
(iv) the Insurance Acts 1909 to 2000;
(v) the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 or an offence under an enactment referred to in section 1078(1) of that Act; or
(vi) regulations relating to insurance made under the European Communities Act 1972;
(b) with a view to the investigation or prosecution of any offence entailing misconduct in connection with the management of the company's affairs or the misapplication or wrongful retainer of its property;
(c) for the purpose of -