Regulation 13 Removal of approval
(1) A competent authority must provide notice in writing to an ADR entity approved by it under regulation 9(4) if the competent authority has reason to believe that -
(a) the ADR entity no longer meets a requirement in Schedule 3; and
(b) the reason the ADR entity no longer meets the requirement is within its control.
(2) The written notice must -
(a) identify the requirement in Schedule 3 which is no longer met; and
(b) require the ADR entity to meet the requirement promptly or in any event within 3 months of the date of the notice.
(3) If the ADR entity fails to meet the requirement notified to it on or before the expiry of the period specified in paragraph (2), and the competent authority considers that the failure to meet the requirement is sufficiently serious, the competent authority must -
(a) send notice in writing to the ADR entity of the withdrawal of its approval, and