Schedule E, Part I Defined Benefit Scheme (Excluding the DC Element of a Defined Benefit Scheme)
1. An explanation of any rights and options available to a member whose service in relevant employment terminates before he has acquired an entitlement to a preserved benefit including-
(a) details of whether a refund of contributions is available or would be available in any circumstances, and in the latter case a statement of the circumstances and, in either case, an estimate of the amount of the refund and an explanation of the method of calculating it, and
(b) the name or title and address of the person from whom details of any other rights and options may be obtained on request.
2. The rights and options (if any) available to a member whose service in relevant employment terminates before he attains normal pensionable age, including details of-
(a) the amount of preserved benefit payable under the rules of the scheme to or in respect of a member, and the method by which such amount has been calculated;
(b) the amount of benefits (if any) payable under the rules of the scheme to or in respect of a member in addition to those specified in sub-paragraph (a), and, for a member whose relevant employment terminated after 1st day of January 1991, the method by which such amount has been calculated;
(c) the date or dates on which such benefits become payable;
(d) whether there is an option to have alternative benefits payable immediately and the relevant details of such alternative benefits;