To the best of my knowledge and belief, having made such reasonable enquiries as are appropriate, the information contained in this form is true and complete.
Signature: ______________
Date: ______________
Name: ______________ Qualification: ______________
Name of Actuary’s Employer/Firm: ______________
Scheme Actuary Certificate No.: ______________
Notes On Completion Of Annual Actuarial Data Return
1. All sections of the form must be competed in full. "None" or "Not Applicable" should be entered where appropriate, but blank spaces or "to be advised" or similar responses may result in the form being rejected as incomplete.
2. A Frozen Scheme is a scheme where there is no further accrual of any long service benefit and the link to final retiring salary has been broken. A current scheme is a scheme that is neither frozen or in wind-up.
3. Exclude members who have attained normal pensionable age.
4. The DC Element of a scheme has the meaning given in the Occupational Pension Schemes (