Regulation 62 Revocation of appointment of assessor.
(a) Where the Bank is satisfied that the assessor has contravened paragraph (2) or is incapacitated, the Bank may revoke the appointment of the assessor at any time.
(b) Where IAASA is satisfied that the assessor has contravened paragraph (2) or is incapacitated, it may request the Bank to revoke the appointment of the assessor and the Bank, on the making of such a request, if it considers it appropriate to do so, shall revoke that appointment.
(2) The assessor (including a person proposed to be appointed as an assessor) shall -
(a) disclose to the Bank, and, where appropriate, to IAASA for its information, any material interest that the assessor may have in any matter that may arise during the assessment,
(b) disclose to the Bank, and where appropriate, to IAASA for its information, any actual or potential conflict of interest that the assessor may have in conducting an assessment,