Article 32 Calculation factors based on analyses
1. The operator shall ensure that any analyses, sampling, calibrations and validations for the determination of calculation factors are carried out by applying methods based on corresponding EN standards.
Where such standards are not available, the methods shall be based on suitable ISO standards or national standards. Where no applicable published standards exist, suitable draft standards, industry best-practice guidelines or other scientifically proven methodologies shall be used, limiting sampling and measurement bias.
2. Where online gas chromatographs or extractive or non-extractive gas analysers are used to determine emissions, the operator shall obtain the competent authority's approval for the use of such equipment. The equipment shall be used only with regard to composition data of gaseous fuels and materials. As minimum quality assurance measures, the operator shall ensure that an initial validation and annually repeated validations of the instrument are performed.
3. The result of any analysis shall be used only for the delivery period or batch of fuel or material for which the samples have been taken, and for which the samples were intended to be representative.
When determining a specific parameter, the operator shall use the results of all analyses made with regard to that parameter.