Annex X Minimum content of Annual Reports (Article 68(3))
1. Annual emission reports of stationary installations
The annual emission report of an installation shall at least contain the following information:
(1) Data identifying the installation, as specified in Annex IV to Directive 2003/87/EC, and its unique permit number except for installations for the incineration of municipal waste;
(2) Name and address of the verifier of the report;
(3) The reporting year;
(4) Reference to and version number of the latest approved monitoring plan and the date from which it is applicable, as well as reference to and version number of any other monitoring plans relevant for the reporting year;
(5) Relevant changes in the operations of an installation and changes as well as temporary deviations that occurred during the reporting period to the monitoring plan approved by the competent authority; including temporal or permanent changes of tiers, reasons for those changes, starting date for the changes, and starting and ending dates of temporal changes;
(6) Information for all emissions sources and source streams consisting of at least: