Article 54a Specific provisions for eligible aviation fuels
1.For the purpose of Article 3c(6) of Directive 2003/87/EC, the commercial aircraft operator shall establish, document, implement and maintain a written procedure in order to monitor any amounts of neat eligible aviation fuel (in tonnes) used for subsonic flights, and shall report the amounts of eligible aviation fuels claimed as a separate memo-item in its annual emission report.
2.For the purpose of paragraph 1, the aircraft operator shall ensure that any amount of eligible aviation fuel claimed is certified in accordance with Article 30 of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 or another certification accepted under Regulation 2023/2405. The competent authority may allow the aircraft operator to use the data recorded in the Union database set up in accordance with Article 31a of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 or a national database set up by the Member State in accordance with Article 31a(5) of that Directive. In case of subsequent non-compliance regarding the proof of sustainability of the quantities cancelled in the aforementioned databases, the Competent Authority shall correct the verified amounts of neat eligible aviation fuels accordingly.
3.For mixed aviation fuels, the aircraft operator may either assume the absence of eligible aviation fuel and apply a default fossil fraction of 100 % or determine the amount of neat eligible aviation fuel in accordance with paragraph 3a.