Article 56a Calculation of CO2 equivalent for non-CO2 aviation effects
1. Each aircraft operator shall monitor the non-CO2 aviation effects from its activities performed by aeroplanes equipped with jet engines in CO2 equivalent (CO2(e)) per flight.
2. The aircraft operator shall calculate the CO2(e) per flight using the GWP metric, in particular GWP20, GWP50 and GWP100, resulting in CO2(e) values for three-time horizons (20, 50, and 100 years) for each of the monitored flights.
3. The aircraft operator shall use efficacy as defined in this Regulation and in NEATS, to refine the GWP as referred to in paragraph 2 for calculating the CO2(e) per flight unless the aircraft operator provides evidence to the competent authority that it is not possible to use efficacy.
4. To calculate CO2(e) per flight each aircraft operator shall apply a CO2(e) calculation approach covering the following elements:
(a) the fuel-burn module and emissions-estimation module, as described in Annex IIIa, Section 3;