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Version status: Amended | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 25 June 2024 - 31 January 2025
  Version 11 of 12  

Article 3

1. The direct or indirect sale, supply, transfer or export of all dual-use goods and technology listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council [Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 setting up a Union regime for the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items (recast) (OJ L 206, 11.6.2021, p. 1)] to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia or for use in Russia by nationals of Member States or from the territories of Member States or using their flag vessels or aircraft, shall be prohibited whether originating or not in their territories.

1a. The transit via the territory of Russia of the dual-use goods and technology, as referred to in paragraph 1, exported from the Union shall be prohibited.

2. It shall be prohibited:

(a) to provide technical assistance, brokering services or other services related to the goods and technology referre

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