Article 4w
1. It shall be prohibited to provide reloading services in the territory of the Union for the purposes of transshipment operations of liquified natural gas falling under CN code 2711 11 00, originating in Russia or exported from Russia.
2. It shall be prohibited to provide, directly or indirectly, technical assistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance related to the prohibition in paragraph 1.
3. By way of derogation from the prohibitions in paragraphs 1 and 2, the competent authorities may authorise reloading services for the purposes of transshipment operations of liquified natural gas falling under CN code 2711 11 00, originating in Russia or exported from Russia, if such reloading is necessary for its transport to a Member State and such Member State has confirmed that the transshipment is used to ensure the energy supply in that Member State.
4. In order to ensure compliance with the prohibitions in paragraphs 1 and 2, the competent authorities may establish rules and guidance at national level. Such rules and guidance shall include enhanced due diligence requirements in particular for the identification of reloading services provided for the purpose of transhipment operations, taking into account specificities of the national regulatory framework applicable to liquified natural gas facilities, previous business practices of shippers, the time between the unloading and reloading, indications of direct commercial connections between the unloading and reloading, including the purchase of new unloading and reloading services in bundle, and the country of registration of the economic operators involved.