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Version date: 23 October 2023 - onwards

3.25 Reporting of other payments (paras. 348-354)

348. The option premium payment is not included as another payment type, as premiums for option are reported using the option premium dedicated data element.

349. Novation fees are not included in the RTS on reporting as derivatives-related cash flows between entities that are not regularly scheduled. Therefore, novation fees are also not reportable as other payments.

350. The allowable values for other payment types are:

a. UFRO = Upfront payment, i.e. the initial payment made by one of the counterparties either to bring a transaction to fair value or for any other reason that may be the cause of an off-market transaction;

b. UWIN = Unwind or Full termination, i.e the final settlement payment made when a transaction is unwound prior to its end date; payments that may result due to full termination of derivative transaction(s) ;

c. PEXH = Principal exchange, i.e. exchange of notional values for cross-currency swaps.

351. The information provided in other payment fields is only to be reported for the reportable event to which the payment relates and once the payment details have been reported, the values should not persist in the reports of all subsequent events reported by the counterparty for that trade.

352. Therefore, if a derivative involves both upfront and unwind payment, the counterparty should report the sequence of payments in subsequent reports, as follows: