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Version date: 23 October 2023 - onwards

5.2.2 Other reportable details (paras. 521-546) Reporting of cleared / non-cleared trade Cleared trade in an open offer model

521. When a trade is cleared in an open offer model, the clearing takes place at same time as the conclusion of the trade. Hence, execution timestamp and clearing timestamp are expected to be the same.

522. Table below illustrates the population of the Table 2 fields of the above- mentioned situation from the CCP (with LEI BBBBBBBBBB1111111111) and Counterparty 1 perspective, as in this case, it is identical.

523. The following group of reporting fields should be reported:

'Cleared' (field 2.31) is populated with 'Y';

'Clearing timestamp' (field 2.32) is equal to field 'Execution timestamp' (field 2.42);

'Central counterparty' (field 2.33) is populated with the LEI of the CCP. Cleared trade in a novation model.

524. When a derivative is cleared in a novation model, the clearing takes place after the time of conclusion of the trade.

525. The table below illustrates the population of fields, from the CCP and the CP1 perspective, when a derivative is cleared by the CCP in a novation model.

526. In this respect, the following group of reporting fields should be reported: