4.9 Reporting of commodity derivatives (paras. 476-481)
476. Table 2 of the RTS on reporting contains dedicated fields for reporting of commodity derivatives: fields 2.116-2.118 for all commodity deriatives and additional fields 2.119-2.131 for energy derivatives.
477. In particular, the classification of commodities should be reported in the fields 2.116-2.118 in line with the categories specified in the Table 4 of the ITS on reporting. The reported classification of the underlying commodity should be as granular as possible. For example, in the case of derivatives on gold, the counterparty should specify 'Metals', 'Precious' and 'Gold' in the fields 2.116, 2.117 and 2.118, respectively. Only if the underlying commodity does not correspond to any of the specific categories included in the ITS on reporting, it should be reported as 'Other'. In case no specific values are set out in the ITS on reporting for a given product for fields 2.117 and 2.118 (e.g. for the category 'Multi Commodity Exotic'), the counterparty should not report any values for these fields, in line with the XML schema.
478. The counterparties should not identify commodities in the currency fields, even if a dedicated code has been designated to such commodity in the ISO 4217 standard (e.g.XAU for gold or XBA for silver). The commodities should only be identified via commodity classification fields.
479. The commodity classification fields (2.116-2.118) are not repeatable. Therefore, in the case of commodity swaps including two commodity underlyings, the counterparty should report such swap as a complex trade composed of two commodity forwards and populate the Package ID in both reports (see section 3.28).