Schedule 2 Information to be provided by ADR Entity
The information to be provided by the ADR entity in accordance with Regulation 12(1) is as follows:
(a) the contact details of the ADR entity, including its postal address and e-mail address;
(b) a statement that the ADR entity is listed in accordance with Regulation 8;
(c) a list of the natural persons in charge of ADR procedures, the method of the appointment of such persons and the length of the mandate of such persons;
(d) the membership of the ADR entity in networks of ADR entities facilitating cross-border dispute resolution, if applicable;
(e) the types of disputes the ADR entity is competent to deal with, including any threshold if applicable;
(f) the languages in which complaints can be submitted to the ADR entity and in which the ADR procedure is conducted;
(g) the types of rules the ADR entity may use as a basis for the dispute resolution, including legal provisions, considerations of equity and codes of conduct;