Date-stamp loading
Published date: 19 October 2011
    Version 1 of 1    

Consumer Protection Code 2012 (effective from 17 September 2024)

Comparing proposed amendment...
Chapter 1 Scope (effective from 17 September 2024)
Chapter 2 General principles (effective from 16 August 2022)
Chapter 3 General requirements (effective from 31 March 2020)
Chapter 4 Provision of information (effective from 31 March 2020)
Chapter 5 Knowing the consumer and suitability (effective from 16 August 2022)
Chapter 6 Post-Sale information requirements (effective from 1 January 2019)
Chapter 7 Rebates and claims processing (effective from 1 January 2012)
Chapter 8 Arrears handling (effective from 1 January 2012)
Chapter 9 Advertising (effective from 16 August 2022)
Chapter 10 Errors and complaints resolution (effective from 23 May 2018)
Chapter 11 Records and compliance (effective from 1 January 2012)
Chapter 12 Definitions (effective from 17 September 2024)
Chapter 13 Additional requirements for debt management firms (effective from 1 January 2015)
Chapter 14 Additional requirements arising from the transposition of Directive 2014/65/EU into Irish Law (effective from 3 January 2018)
Appendix A Key features document for tracker bonds (effective from 1 January 2012)
Appendix B PRSA (Personal Retirement Savings Account) (effective from 1 January 2012)
Appendix C Non-Standard Personal Retirement Savings Account (effective from 1 January 2012)
Appendix D Information to be provided to consumer [Pursuant to Provision 13.1] (effective from 1 January 2015)
Appendix E Standard financial statement (effective from 1 January 2022)
Appendix F Variable Rate Policy Statement (effective from 1 February 2017)