Regulation 53 Time and manner of payment of gratuities
(1) Subject to this article, every gratuity shall be payable in one sum.
(2) A disablement gratuity may be paid by instalments of such amounts and at such times as appear to the Minister to be reasonable in the circumstances of any particular case or classes of case, if -
(a) the beneficiary is, at the date of the award of the gratuity, under the age of 18 years, or
(b) the amount of the gratuity awarded exceeds €67 and the beneficiary requests that payments thereof shall be made by instalments.
(3) A gratuity or any part of a gratuity, shall not, unless the Minister in any case or classes of case otherwise decides, be payable until after the expiration of the time limited for any appeal against the decision on which the award of such benefit is based or, where such an appeal is brought, until after the decision on appeal has been given.