Regulation 64 Distribution of sum payable on death
(1) On the death of a claimant or beneficiary, any sum payable in respect of any benefit may be paid or distributed by the Minister without probate or other proof of title of the personal representative of the deceased as follows -
(a) where the claimant or beneficiary died leaving a will or other testamentary writing, the said sum may be paid or distributed to or among such of the persons appearing to be beneficially entitled thereto under the said will or testamentary writing as the Minister thinks proper and that to the exclusion of all others, without prejudice to any remedy which such others may have for recovery of the sum so paid or distributed as aforesaid against the person or persons receiving that sum,
(b) where the claimant or beneficiary died intestate, the said sum may be paid or distributed to or among such persons as appear to the Minister to be beneficially entitled thereto, whether as next-of-kin or otherwise according to law or as creditors (including any person entitled to be paid or repaid the funeral expenses of the beneficiary) or to or among such of the said persons as the Minister thinks fit and that to the exclusion of all others.
(2) The receipt of any person of the age of 16 years or upwards for any sum paid in accordance with this article shall be a good discharge to the Social Insurance Fund for the sum so paid.