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Article 48h Booking requirements
1. Member States shall require third-country branches to maintain a registry book enabling those third-country branches to track and keep a comprehensive and precise record of all the assets and liabilities booked or originated by the third-country branch in the Member State and to manage those assets and liabilities autonomously within the third-country branch. The registry book shall provide all necessary and sufficient information on the risks generated by the third-country branch and on how they are managed.
2. Member States shall require third-country branches to develop and regularly review and update a policy on booking arrangements for the management of the registry book referred to in paragraph 1. Such a policy shall be documented and approved by the relevant governing body of the head undertaking. The policy shall provide a clear rationale for the booking arrangements and set out how those arrangements align with the third-country branch's business strategy.
3. Member States shall require third-country branches to ensure that an independent written and reasoned opinion on the implementation of and ongoing compliance with the requirements laid down in this Article be regularly prepared and addressed to the competent authority with the findings and conclusions.