32. Requirements relating to credit-sale agreements.
(1) Before any credit-sale agreement is entered into in respect of the sale of goods the seller shall state in writing the cash price to the prospective buyer, otherwise than in the agreement.
(2) Subsection (1) shall be deemed to have been complied with -
(a) if the buyer has inspected the goods or like goods and at the time of his inspection tickets or labels were attached to or displayed with the goods clearly stating the cash price, either of the goods as a whole or of all the different articles or sets of articles comprised therein, or
(b) if the buyer has selected the goods by reference to a catalogue, price list or advertisement, which clearly stated the cash price either of the goods as a whole or of all the different articles or sets of articles comprised therein.
(3) A credit-sale agreement shall contain a statement of -
(a) the total cost of credit,
(b) the cash price of the goods to which the agreement relates,
(c) the amount of each of the instalments by which the total cost of credit is to be paid,