(1) A commercial guarantee shall be binding on the guarantor under the conditions specified in the commercial guarantee statement and in any associated advertising available at the time of, or before, the conclusion of the hire-purchase agreement.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), where a producer offers the hirer a commercial guarantee of durability for specified goods for a specified period of time -
(a) the producer shall be liable directly to the hirer during the entire period of the commercial guarantee of durability for the repair or the replacement of the goods in accordance with section 73I, and
(b) the producer may offer more favourable conditions to the hirer in the commercial guarantee statement on the durability of the goods.
(3) If some or all of the conditions specified in the commercial guarantee statement are less advantageous to the hirer than those specified in the associated advertising, the commercial guarantee shall be binding under the mor