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Version date: 6 June 2017 - onwards

Question 9 Cost calculation: access to relevant data [Last update: 6 June 2017]

Art. 24 of MiFID II Art. 50 of the MiFID II Delegated Regulation

How does the investment firm obtain access to the relevant data for a financial instrument to apply the PRIIPs methodology?

Answer 9

In order to be able to apply the PRIIPs methodology, investment firms need to have access to the relevant data from manufacturers of a financial instrument.

Where a financial instrument falls within the scope of PRIIPs, the investment firm can use the publicly available PRIIPs KID to obtain the data that is relevant for its ex-ante cost disclosure. For access to any data that is relevant for its ex-post cost disclosure, and to the extent this data has not already been made publicly available by the manufacturer, an investment firm would be expected to liaise with the manufacturer of these instruments. The manufacturer should have already calculated the relevant data in order to comply with the PRIIPs regulation.

Where a financial instrument does not fall within the scope of PRIIPs, the investment firm would be expected to liaise with the manufacturer of these instruments to obtain the relevant data, if the data has not already been made publicly available, on the costs and associated charges of the financial instrument that it needs to meet its obligations for both ex-ante and ex-post cost disclosure.