How can firms present ex-post costs and charges information to clients in a fair, clear and not misleading manner in accordance with Article 24(3) of MiFID II?
Answer 33
In ESMA’s view, to facilitate the understanding of ex-post costs and charges information by clients (especially retail), in line with the general obligation according to which information addressed to clients shall be fair, clear and not misleading, it should be presented:
i) through a standalone document (which could still be sent together with other periodic documents to clients); or
ii) within a document of wider content, provided that it is given the necessary prominence to allow clients to find it easily.
In the latter case, the section on ex-post costs and charges information could, for example, be placed at the beginning of the document with a clear explanatory title and clients’ attention drawn to it also graphically (e.g. through the use of appropriate fonts). Ex-post information o