(1) In this section "rating authority" means -
(a) a county council,
(b) a city council, or
(c) a city and county council.
(2) For the purpose of assessing tax chargeable under Schedule D, the secretary, clerk, or person acting as such, to a rating authority shall, when required by notice from an inspector, transmit to the inspector within such time as may be specified in the notice true copies of the last county rate or municipal rate made by the authority for its rating area or any part of that area.
(3) The Revenue Commissioners shall pay to any such person the expenses of making all such copies, not exceeding the rate of €2 for every 100 ratings.
(4) Every person shall, at the request of any inspector or other officer acting in the execution of the Tax Acts, produce as soon as may be to such inspector or officer, as appropriate, any survey, valuation or record on which the rates for any rating area or part of any such area are assessed, made or collected, or any rate or assessmen