Regulation 15 Pre-contractual information
(1) A creditor, and where applicable a mortgage credit intermediary, shall -
(a) without undue delay after the consumer has given the necessary information on his or her needs, financial situation and preferences in accordance with Regulation 21, and
(b) in good time before the consumer is bound by any credit agreement or offer,
provide the consumer with the personalised information needed to enable the consumer to compare the credits available on the market, to assess their implications and to make an informed decision on whether to conclude a credit agreement.
(2) The personalised information referred to in paragraph (1) shall be provided, on paper or on another durable medium, by means of the European Standardised Information Sheet (ESIS) specified in Schedule 2.
(3) When an offer binding on the creditor is provided to the consumer, it shall be provided on paper or on another durable medium and shall be accompanied by an ESIS and by a copy of the draft credit agreement.