(1) An employer who is not operating a scheme or who is operating a scheme which limits eligibility for membership of it or imposes a waiting period for membership of it which is greater than 6 months from the date of commencement of employment shall, in respect of at least one type of Standard PRSA -
(a) enter for the benefit of his excluded employees into a contractual arrangement with one or more PRSA providers to enable those employees to participate in such a PRSA,
(b) deduct, at the request of any excluded employee and on receipt of the appropriate information from the employee, such sums of money as are determined by the employee and the employer from the wage or salary of the employee, and
(c) subject to subsections (2) and (3), remit the said sums to the Standard PRSA the subject of the contractual arrangement referred to in paragraph (a) or, if there is more than one such Standard PRSA, to the Standard PRSA chosen by the excluded employee.