(1) Where -
(a) an employer or self-employed person makes or proposes to make contributions to an institution for occupational retirement provision that has its main administration in another Member State, and
(b) the relationship between the employer and the members and beneficiaries concerned is governed by the social and labour law of the State,
any function which Article 11 of the Directive of 2016 requires or authorises to be exercised by the competent authorities of the State is exercisable by the Pensions Authority.
(2) Where the Board receives a notification pursuant to Article 11(4) of the Directive of 2016 from the competent authority in another Member State, the Board shall inform the competent authority of the relevant statutory requirements within 6 weeks after the date of that notification.
(3) Where there is a significant change in any relevant statutory requirements, the Board shall as soon as reasonably practicable inform any competent authority to which it has provide