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Regulation 130 Capital conservation plan
(a) Where an institution fails to meet its combined buffer requirement or, where applicable, its leverage ratio buffer requirement, it shall prepare a capital conservation plan and submit it to the Bank no later than 5 working days after it identified that it was failing to meet that requirement, unless the Bank authorises a longer period, which shall not exceed 10 days.
(b) The Bank shall grant such authorisations only on the basis of the individual situation of a credit institution and taking into account the scale and complexity of the institution's activities.
(2) The capital conservation plan to be prepared and submitted in accordance with paragraph (1) shall include the following:
(a) estimates of income and expenditure and a forecast balance sheet;
(b) measures to increase the capital ratios of the institution;
(c) a plan and timeframe for the increase of own funds with the objective of meeting the combined buffer requirement;
(d) any other information that the Bank considers to be necessary to carry out the assessment required by paragraph (3).