2017 updates/changes to the SREP Guidelines |
section affected in the SREP |
Pillar 2 capital guidance |
Title 1.2 ‘Definitions’ Title 7.1 ‘General considerations’ Title 7.7.1 ‘Using P2G to address the quantitative outcomes of stress testing ’ Title 7.8 ‘Summary of findings and scoring’ (including Table 8) Title 7.9 ‘Communication of prudential requirements’ Title 10.3 ‘Application of capital measures’ Title 10.7 ‘Supervisory reaction to a situation where P2G is not met’ Title 11.2 ‘SREP capital assessment and institution-specific prudential requirements’ Annex 2 ‘Key features and differences between P2R and P2G’ |
Supervisory stress testing |
Title 1.1 ‘Subject Matter’ Title 1.2 ‘Definitions’ Title 12 ‘Supervisory stress testing’ Title 13 ‘Final provisions and implementation’ |
Supervisory assessment of institutions’ stress testing |
Title 5.6.3 ‘Assessment of institutions’ stress testing’ Title 10.5 ‘Application |
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