418. Competent authorities should assess the institution's short- and medium-term liquidity risk over an appropriate set of time horizons, including intraday periods, to ensure that the institution maintains adequate levels of liquidity buffers, under both normal and stressed conditions. This assessment includes the following elements:
a. evaluation of liquidity needs in the short and medium term;
b. evaluation of intraday liquidity risk;
c. evaluation of liquidity buffer and counterbalancing capacity; and
d. supervisory liquidity stress testing.
419. For the assessment of liquidity needs, buffers and counterbalancing capacity under normal conditions, competent authorities should support the analysis with evidence from the reporting templates for additional monitoring metrics as specified in the Commission Delegated Regulation issued pursuant to Article 415(3)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
Evaluation of liquidity needs in the short and medium term
420. Competent authorities should